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Maxine Kennedy Scholarship


APPLICATION DEADLINE: May 1st of each school year

A maximum of $1,000 to be awarded annually to a Flushing High School graduating senior who has been active in the Flushing High School Theatre Department and/or is planning on pursuing a degree in a fine arts related field, focusing on theatre.

Applicants are required to submit
1) the scholarship application
2) a performance/training resume
3) two letters of recommendation

A minimum 2.5 GPA is also required. Pick up and return the application in the guidance office orĀ download it here.

Return all required documents to the guidance office, scan and email them to Mrs. Clemens at OR mail them to:

Alison Clemens- Maxine Kennedy Scholarship
Flushing High School Theatre Department
5039 Deland Road
Flushing, MI 48433