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Flushing Scholarships

Flushing Scholarships

Flushing Scholarships

Rotary Club of Flushing Scholarship Fund
To be awarded to graduating students who reside within the geographic boundaries of the Flushing Community School District to further their education in a college and/or vocational school. Student applicants are evaluated on their GPA, community involvement, leadership, application response and personal interview as determined necessary.

Edgar L. Cornwell Scholarship Endowment Fund
To be awarded to graduating seniors of Flushing Community High School, a minimum of 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need.

Flushing High School Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
To be awarded to graduates of Flushing High School who are pursuing further education in college and/or vocational school with academic grade averages of a B average or higher as their overall high school grade, demonstrated financial need, and extra-curricular excellence.

Jan Liepmann Vocal Music Scholarship Fund
To be awarded to graduating seniors from Flushing High School pursuing a post-secondary degree in music, with a concentration in voice, or another related degree. Candidates must have a 2.5 GPA cumulative from high school. Candidates must be full time students, maintaining a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester. In addition to the required application form, applicants will be required to submit a tape or CD of their performance of two contrasting songs as related to the degree the candidate is pursuing. Scholarship recipients will receive this scholarship one time only; however, the scholarship will be equally divided between two semesters, the second scholarship award distribution contingent upon a 2.5 GPA from the first semester. An official transcript must be sent to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint to verify first semester GPA.

Roberta Reed McWilliams Scholarship Endowment Fund
To be awarded to graduating seniors of Flushing High School, a minimum of 2.9 GPA, documented participation in community service, a personal essay describing how you have been affected by your participation in one or more community service activities and a letter of recommendation.

The deadline to apply for these scholarships is March 15.  Apply online at

Crystal Abramson
Flushing High School

Flushing Athletic Boosters Scholarship

1. Student must be enrolled and have participated on interscholastic athletics during their high school years.
2. Student must be a senior and will be graduating during the school year in which the scholarship is being awarded.
3. In accordance with the Boosters' by-laws, the recipient of this scholarship must be the son/daughter of a Flushing Athletic Booster in good standing.
4. Student must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
5. Student must have already been accepted to a university, college, vocational training, etc. to qualify for the scholarship.

Application Process:
1. A valid application consists of the following: completed google application form, two (2) typewritten letters of recommendation and one (1) page typewritten essay on the importance of sportsmanship as a scholar-athlete.
2. Applications must be received by March 17th. No exceptions will be made for any reason.
3. Incomplete applications will be considered VOID.

1. A committee of Athletic Boosters in good standing will review the applications after the completion deadline and will notify the school counselor of the results.

1. The Athletic Boosters will give at least two (2) scholarships, one to a male student and one to a female student. The value of the scholarship is $500.00 for each student. 
2. The scholarship may be paid directly to the institution of higher learning the student will be attending following graduation from high school.

Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Scholarship

A $1000 scholarship is available to seniors who have a 3.0 GPA, are pursuing a degree in business/management or insurance related field and have been accepted to an accredited college or university. Priority will be given to students involved in community and/or extracurricular activities. Financial need will also be taken into consideration. You must also complete an essay to get this scholarship.

Email or drop off completed applications (with completed essay) to Mrs. Abramson by 3pm on 4/26/24.

Stephen T Phillips Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is made possible through donations from the family and friends of the Stephen T. Phillips family. It is in memory of Stephen who died in December 2005 after a brave battle with brain cancer. It is for Flushing High School seniors who will be attending the University of Michigan Ann Arbor with preference shown to those electing to study Engineering.

Email or drop off completed application (and supporting documents - I will print the transcript) to Mrs. Abramson by 3pm on 4/26/24.

Robert Hoffman Memorial Scholarship

No minimum GPA.
Three $500 scholarships will be given to Flushing High School seniors based on academic performance, extra-curricular activity, and/or community involvement. Financial need will also be considered. Interviews will be a possibility.

William G. Tunnicliff Memorial Scholarship

Two awards of $1,500 will be available for the William G. Tunnicliff Memorial Scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year.

It is to be awarded annually to a Flushing High School Senior who has been impacted by autism. The scholarship may be used for post-secondary education or training and will be paid directly to the higher education institution or an approved training program selected by the awardee.

Brent Edwards Memorial Scholarship

Only for students attending Central Michigan University next year!

Based on academic achievement, extra-curricular participation, community service involvement. Financial need will be considered.
Due April 15th.

Jeffrey Reed Fisher Memorial Scholarship

The Jeffrey Reed Fisher Memorial Scholarship is being awarded to a graduating senior that has played hockey or baseball at Flushing High School. Any graduating senior that has already been accepted to a college/university/trade school that has played hockey or baseball at FHS is eligible to apply.

Application and supporting documents is due on or before April 26, 2024.

Maggie Rau Memorial Scholarship

In loving memory of Maggie Rau, a $1,000 scholarship will be given to two graduating Flushing High School senior students to aid in the continuation of their education and attainment of their goals. The scholarship is funded by the GFWC Flushing Women's Club. 

Applications are due on or before April 26, 2024.

The Welch Foundation Scholarship

Seniors that have a minimum GPA of 3.7 will be eligible for this one-time scholarship. Recipients of this scholarship will be based on academic performance, extracurricular and/or community involvement. An interview will be held for finalists. The scholarship is for tuition or room & board only. Applications must go to a 4-year college or university in the state of Michigan. 

Applications can be picked up in the Guidance and Counseling Office.

Thomas Smith Memorial Scholarship

Any student with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is eligible to apply. The student must have already been accepted into a college, university, vocational training, etc., to qualify for this scholarship. The student must display good sportsmanship on and off the field, in and out of the classroom, in any academic setting or extracurricular activity.  An application and three letters of recommendation are required. 

Applications and letters of recommendation are due April 26, 2024.

Edward Rodden Memorial Teaching and Athletic Scholarship

Any student that has been involved in athletics and is interested in pursuing an education related degree is eligible to apply.

The application and a letter of recommendation are required to be submitted by April 26, 2024.

Chris Bueche Scholarship Fund

This memorial scholarship was established in 2023 by Chris's wife, Darcy Bueche. Chris & Darcy's main focus was to give their children a firm foundation and a good start in life. That foundation consisted of many things, one being continued education. Through the years, Chris also gave numerous employment opportunities to Flushing High School students at Bueche's Food World. The Chris Bueche Scholarship Fund awards scholarships to Flushing High School seniors who plan on attending a university, college, or trade school. Academic performance, extra-curriculuar activities, employment, community involvement and financial need will be considered. 

Applications can be picked up in the guidance office or found on the google classroom page. The application is due on April 26, 2024. 

Application and additional information can be found on the senior google classroom page.