CTE Courses
Flushing High School CTE
Flushing High School offers a variety of CTE (Career Technical Education) courses. Accounting, BMA (Business Management Administration), Marketing, CAD, Architectural CAD, Engineering, and the Work-Based Learning Program (Co-op, Unpaid Learner, and Teacher Cadet) make up the CTE programs at FHS. Some of these classes are not offered every year, please see your counselor or Ms. Lord for details.
Some of these CTE classes can be taken as a Work-Based Learning related class (if proper criteria is met) and many are also articulated with Mott Community College, Baker College, Oakland Community College, Ferris State University, and other colleges/universities. There are also some State Articulated programs. College credit can be granted for successful completion of coursework.
ALL CTE courses meet the VPA graduation requirement and can substitute for one credit of the World Language graduation requirement. Some courses meet the Senior Year Math requirement.
Flushing High School also works with the Genesee Career Institute (GCI) which allows juniors and seniors access to additional CTE program offerings.
Flushing High School participates in the Genesee County CTE/Early Middle College program. Students must apply during their 10th grade year and commit to a 13th year of school. Students accepted into the program will remain students of their high school and may attend courses at Baker College, Genesee Career Institute, Mott Community College, and the University of Michigan-Flint to complete requirements in their Program of Study.
Please see Ms. Lord for details on this opportunity.
Some IMPRESSIVE statistics regarding CTE are as follows:
CTE presents a complete range of related career options to students, helps them discover their interests and passions, and empowers them to choose the educational pathway that can lead to success in high school, college, and their chosen career.
CTE is developing America’s most valuable resource– its people; helping them gain the skills, technical knowledge, academic foundation and real-world experience they need to prepare for high-skill, high-demand, high-wage careers– and keep America working-in every sense of the word.
CTE works to reduce high school dropout rates. High-risk students are 8 to 10 times less likely to drop out in 11th and 12th grades if enrolled in a CTE program compared to general education.
CTE works for postsecondary placement. 70% of students concentrating in CTE areas stayed in post-secondary education or transferred to a 4-year degree program .
CTE works for America’s jobs of tomorrow. Experts project 47 million job openings in this decade. About one third will require an associate's degree or certificate, and nearly all will require real-world skills that can be mastered through CTE.
Skilled Trades
Skilled Trades is a High Demand, High Wage career option. Once seen exclusively as a world of manual labor, today’s Skilled Trades offer a wide array of opportunities for high school and community college students throughout Michigan. Careers in emerging fields, like healthcare and information technology, often require less schooling and debt than a four-year degree. Which means you could be earning a great salary and benefits sooner than you ever imagined. See below for additional resources and information.
The State of Michigan is Going Pro. Access the Press Release below to find out more information about the skilled trades and opportunities available!
Each year, Flushing Community Schools offers Career and Technical Education courses at Flushing High School. The 2023-2024 courses consist of Business Management Administration (BMA) I and II, Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) and Advanced CAD, Architectural CAD, Introduction to Engineering Design I and II, and Work-Based Learning (Co-op, Unpaid Learner, and Teacher Cadet), Accounting I and II. These courses follow the district’s policies of nondiscrimination as noted below.
It is the policy of the Flushing School District that no person shall, on the basis of religion, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, height, weight ,and other human differences protected by law be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity and in employment. In addition, arrangements can be made to ensure that the lack of English language skills is not a barrier to admission or participation. Any questions concerning Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, and inquiries related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap, should be directed to: Jason Melynchek, Deputy Superintendent, Flushing Community Schools, 522 N. McKinley Rd., Flushing, MI 48433.